Mid Winter Christmas at the Raceway
Terms and conditions
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Mid Winter Christmas at the Raceway: Terms and Conditions

Thursday, 20 June 2024, 5:00pm - Cambridge Raceway, Cambridge

Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions govern all supply of goods and services ("products") by Waikato Bay of Plenty Harness Inc ("Waikato Bay of Plenty Harness", "we, "us") to you, the purchaser of goods and services from us, including your use of the website at www.cambridgeraceway.co.nz ("the website"). They are effective from 6 July 2018 and will replace all earlier Waikato Bay of Plenty Harness Inc terms of trade and any conditions contained in any document used by you and purporting to have contractual effect.

We reserve the right to change these terms of trade by notice to you. Notice may be given by posting the revised terms and conditions on our website.

To make a purchase from our online shop you must be 18 years of age or over.

Purchases from our online shop may only be made by persons who are acquiring goods or services for their own use or consumption, and you must not acquire goods from us via the website for resupply (whether in trade or otherwise).

If you are purchasing on behalf of another entity such as a company, you warrant you have the authorisation to agree to these terms and conditions on behalf of the entity.


-A cancellation fee will occur, should the booking be cancelled within 30 days of the event date.

-Bookings cancelled within 30 days of the event date will be charged 100% of the total booking cost.

-Bookings cancelled over 30 days will be charged 50% of the total booking cost.

-No cancellation is valid unless it has been acknowledged in writing by The Cambridge Raceway.


-We accept the following credit cards: Visa, Mastercard and American Express

-Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded after purchase, except in accordance with the applicable laws in the jurisdiction of purchase. If a refund is required by law, liability is limited to refunding the ticket price only. All other fees and charges are non-refundable.

-Waikato Bay of Plenty Harness reserves the right to refuse admission with reasonable cause.

-The Promoter reserves the right to refuse admission if valid identification for concession tickets is not provided.

-The Promoter reserves the right to refuse admission where tickets are lost or damaged, or tickets are not purchased through cambridgeraceway.co.nz or other authorized points of sale.

-The Promoter reserves the right to withdraw, replace or substitute artists, or amend the programme, prices and/or seating arrangements.

Where you acquire or hold yourself out as acquiring goods or services from us for the purposes of a business, the provisions of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply. The conditions, warranties and guarantees set out in the Sale of Goods Act 1908 or otherwise implied by statute or common law will not apply and are excluded from these terms of trade.

We will always endeavor to have complete and accurate information on our website but to the greatest extent permissible by law we assume no responsibility for the completeness and current accuracy of the information provided on our website.

To the greatest extent permissible by law, we exclude all liability we may have to you for any claim except where we have acted in bad faith. This exclusion also applies for the benefit of every officer, employee, contractor, agent of us and anyone else we use to perform our duties or provide services under any agreement you have with us. None of the persons specified above is liable or has to pay you for anything else in connection with or resulting from anything any of us does or does not do, or delays in doing, whether or not it is contemplated or authorized by any agreement you have with us. This exclusion applies whatever you are claiming for and in whatever way liability might arise. This exclusion does not limit any inalienable rights you may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993.

Our maximum liability to you (if any) shall be limited to the value of any faulty products or services supplied by us and we, our employees, contractors and agents, will not be liable to you for loss or damage of any kind however that loss or damage is caused or arises.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

Unless we otherwise agree in writing, this agreement contains all the terms of our relationship and continues to apply no matter where you are located at the time any goods or services are provided to you by us and irrespective of the location where you reside.

Use of our website, supply of products or services by us to you and any other matter arising from these Terms and Conditions are subject to the laws of New Zealand. The Courts of New Zealand shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction over all claims or disputes arising in relation to, out of or in connection with these terms of trade, or with the use of website or supply of any services.

Where you or any other person who you act for, or who you permit to act for you supplies incorrect information for the purchase of a product or service and we incur cost in any matter concerning that name then we may recover the costs incurred by us from you (including legal costs on a solicitor-client basis).

You agree to use our website, products and services in accordance with the applicable laws of the country or countries where your business or organisation is based.

General Conditions

We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time by notice, which may be in the form of a notice posted on our website at www.cambridgeraceway.co.nz.

If we fail to enforce any terms or to exercise our rights under these terms and conditions at any time, we have not waived those rights.

If any provision of these terms and conditions is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect and the parties shall adjust their respective rights and obligations in accordance with the spirit and intent of the parties as shown by these terms and conditions.

Unless any provision in this agreement expressly provides otherwise, these terms and conditions are not intended to confer a benefit on any person or class of person who is not a party to it.

We may deliver notices to you by sending them to an email address that you have notified to us.

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